The largest fountain in the world, the Fountain of Wealth attracts numerous people everyday. Nationals and tourists from all walks of life stroll around the mini fountain in the centre to touch and feel the water in an almost ritualistic manner.
It is claimed that visitors to Suntec City, who walk around the central base of the Fountain three times and touching the water at all times, would gain some good luck of their own (cf. Wikipedia). In the hot and humid afternoon, I was attracted to a group of seven ladies marching around the fountain. The leader (hidden by the one dressed in red) was a pregnant lady perhaps hoping that by her act, her new born would bring her wealth. The picture of the last woman was cropped for obvious reason. While most of us recognise that wealth in itself can be our friend as well as our foe, but the relentless pursuit of it usually carries severe consequences. Some may argue that the problem of our world is the disproportionate distribution of wealth. What's your view concerning wealth in today's context?