As we come to the close of another calendar year, we look at the horizon and ask,"What lies beyond?" I invite you to reflect with me. But before we venture into that exercise, we would probably like to reflect on what have had transpired this year that had shaped our thinking and actions significantly. I am unsure whether you share my feeling that within the routine as well as the extraordinary activities that had occurred, there is much we can learn as well as there is a kind of mystery that remains incomprehensible to us. In fact, there are probably some "happenings" that do not make sense at all and consequently, we may find it difficult and painful to reconcile while there might be situations that had taught us to develop a deeper appreciation of life itself. On a whole, mine has been a journey of learning new insights and gaining fresh perspectives. The challenge for me is to to remain focused, be humble and cultivate a keen learning and growing spirit. What is your feeling as you journey towards the close of another year (i.e 2009) and glance beyond the horizon as you await the dawning of the New Year?