Sunday, December 02, 2007

What's your season?

The four seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter have diffferent significance for different people throughout the world. Some would associate ski@Lake Tahoe during winter, fish@Florida during summer, admire the cherry blossoms @Japan during spring and enjoy the beauty of the autumn foliage along hillslopes/lakes, streets etc... However, these seasons could also bring in hardship and suffering for the poor and homeless.
As we reflect on our lives, we can draw parallel lessons from these changing seasons. Though the seasons are repetitive throughout the generations (in so far as humankind do not neglect to address the climate and environmental issues at hand), it is not so with life's season. Generally, we should learn to appreciate the precious innocence associated with childhood, the enthusiasm and energy of youths, the challenge to maintain a healthy work-life integration in aduthood and finally, enjoy the beauty of the golden years. We must learn to savour, learn and appreciate each of these seasons. Categorically speaking, the life span of humanity is often seen in terms of a journey. We grow from one season to another. And we recognise that the human clock cannot be unwind. In other words, we should thank God for the seasons that He has given to us and for family and friends who share the common journey. At the same time, we should not live in regrets for the things that we have failed to accomplish. We should learn some precious lessons from time to time and press on to embrace each season with faith and fortitude. Indeed, there is a reason for every season!

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