Monday, March 30, 2009

Where is your focus today?

Celebrities are constantly in the limelight. For example, actors, actresses, musicians, scientists, economists and politicians are constantly hounded by media and paparazzi. Their focus of attention could be based on their talents, achievements, beauty, discoveries etc... 
As a matter of fact, this group forms only a minority in relation to a world population of more than 6.6 billion people. It means that the great majority of the population are "unknowns" in the eyes of the media. But they are not necessarily unimportant or insignificant. In their own ways, they contribute to the shaping of their society and world. 
We are familiar with the concept that "No man is an island". We live in an inter-connected world and we are mutually interdependent on one another. So whether you belong to the celebrity status or not and whether you feel that you are in focus or out of focus, you are special and precious. Therefore, every person should be valued regardless of one's race, color, wealth, status or power. We should focus on the individual as he or she is and affirm his/her potential of contributing to the making of a better world. What is your focus today? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is my focus today? Well, my focus is on others. I look to lift lids and stretch potentials. What do I mean?

Some of us are kept from reaching far more than we are capable of because we have put lids on ourselves. Lids can be internal or external. Internal lids are of our own making - perhaps we have imbibed poor value systems, perhaps we have little confidence in ourselves. External lids are circumstances or other people who impede our progress.

So my focus today is to lift lids and then stretch potentials to the fullest. There is no greater joy than to see others bloom!