I was observing the sweeper and reflected on this: How does one make sense of the apparent endless sweeping routine, knowing that the leaves will keep falling... the next day, and the next day, and... well... on the other hand, there is job security afterall!
Do you sometimes feel a sense of paradoxical tension in who you really are and what you do each day? How does one rediscover the purpose of life and work?
Care to share your thoughts?
I think we all long to be in service to something greater than ourselves. The most blessed of people are those who have learned that whatever they do, if they do it as to the Lord, even the most tedious of work is somehow sanctified and becomes an offering rather than a drudgery. If I sound as if I have this figured out, think again! But the sweeper will help me remember it. An ETC friend.
That's what life is... that we'll need to work at it everyday knowing that what is swept away today, will probably be back again the next. When we sweep off the debris for the day, we enjoy a clean place for the rest of that day, even if it were for a moment, it gives us a clean ground to walk upon. Then we start again tomorrow.
But if nothing is swept, there'll never be a moment to enjoy coz all the leaves will be piled up to a point we cannont even see the ground.
Above that, it's important to find joy in the work that we do. We may feel insifgnificant about what we do (Eg sweeper), but be encouraged, that others will find this place better(cleaner more pleasant) because our willingness to humble ourselves and take up a job that seems insignificant to everyone else.
Nobody is too small, or too great. It is simply a privilege to be able to serve with the joy of God in our hearts :)
Thank U very much for sharing your thoughts. It's really the humble and contrite in heart that God desires of us. Be encouraged as I am much encouraged by your reflection.
Jesus was also doing that when He was a child as the son of a carpenter. There is always a purpose for the moment. In every task of our life at any moment, there is always a beautiful side of it. Let us be thankful and grateful for that experience.
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