What do you see in the picture on the right? More often than not, our first impression of what we think is apparent to us may not be the real thing! Our prejudices coupled with our 'busy' syndrome color our perspectives. Our views are often distorted. However, when we begin to pay a little more attention to the things that appear obvious to us, we suspend immediate judgment and embark upon a journey of discovery. We learn, we grow, we appreciate the beauty around us. The process helps us gain deeper insights into life itself. Think about Richard Foster's statement,"Superficiality is the curse of the age."
Well, I maust say it looked like raindrops on first glance, ant then like holes in concret on closer inspection. I'd hazard a guess on concrete.
It looked like a microscopic view of a group of cells. It may also be raindrops falling on the ground. One would need a few perspectives to have a better understanding of the picture.
yes, perspective is everything - if you look at what's happening today, perspective is what happens when one group says insurgents were killed in an uprising, whilst another group says those same people were martyred for a cause.
Hello Derrick,
Went into your blog earlier and must say your format is interesting - Reflective yet provocating....I think I met my match! Great use of visuals too.
We will exchange more notes when we meet again, as I am still in the stage of trying to see whether I can be successful in persuading people get interactive on a blog!
Keep it up and Shalom,
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