washing, irrigating etc...it cleanses, purifies and refreshes. In fact, we cannot really do without it ... rain water, sea water, bottled water, tap water etc... Personally, I am fascinated and enchanted by its beauty in ponds, lakes, seas, reservoirs, waves, fountains and waterfalls. I feel a sense of calmness, peace and tranquility.
However, though water is indispensible to our world, we also realise that water can also create much havoc and suffering too! For example, the recent storms/torrrential rains/floods have destroyed houses, plants and lives in different parts of the world! This Christmas, these people are housed in shelters and some are grieving over their tragic loss. Your thoughts?
Water is such a wonderful gift - critical for life, but too much of a good thing is also dangerous - see the Indian Ocean Tsunami exactly 2 years ago, or the recent flash floods in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Balance is the treasure of life. The beauty of the water also hides it's tremendous power, and the majesty of the Creator.
I stand in awe of Him. Thanks for the reminder.
Have a blessed New Year!
Could the flash flood be avoided? If Singapore still operates on the drainage system of the 70s, I am sure we would be badly affected by this flash flood. Let us be thankful to Him for everything including the wisdom of our leaders. At the same time, let us share our love and help those affected.
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