"Hey, look here!" You might be wondering why is it so difficult for the bird to move a little for a nicer shot? "It does not really take much of an effort," you thought. But it remained at its position, oblivious to your suggestion/hope. But if you try hard to push it such as prompting it to the point of agitating it, you'd probably lose the shot entirely! Similarly, do you sometimes feel that people are not responding to your sentiments that you had tried to convey? The issues could be ineffective communication, lack of understanding, faulty expectations, inappropriate timing, inconducive environment etc... On the other hand, if you unwittingly exert your values, you may have adverse reactions. Then, how can you better convey your thoughts and feelings so as to obtain your desired outcome? Can there be a perfect shot afterall? Your thoughts?
it's all about relationship building. if you are able to get the bird to trust you, it will stay around long enough for you to get that perfect shot. same with people. if you are able to win their trust and get their buy-in, you will get their co-operation...so yes, there is that perfect shot but need to spend time and effort and also do make sure that the hand that handles the camera does not shake ie you need to be authentic, you need to be true to your word.
Can't agree more with your candid comments. Trusting relationship indeed takes time to cultivate. The process involves being authentic, taking risks and being vulnerable to the other person. As you give your best shot, one cannot really predict its future. It's mutual and how many good friends can you really expect to have in this world?
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