The water lily is pretty, isn't it? Once the plant is placed in a pot/container, it needs very little attention apart from adding fertiliser once per week. It flourishes very well under lots of sunlight and stagnant water (but don't forget to add consan, a special solution to prevent mosquito breeding!)
Personally, for most part of the week, I would not have the opportunty to admire its beauty as it withers by the late afternoon. So, during the weekends and day offs, I would take time to admire its beauty under the rich sunlight. Similarily, there are beautiful things in life that are already there but due to work or other commitments, we may not have the opportunity to enjoy it. Therefore, we may like to give priority to appreciating the beauty of nature including relationships that are around us and learn to say NO, firmly and yet gently, to a full and unrealistic work schedule. It is about achieving a work life balance or integration.
Yes, the water lily is indeed very pretty. Nice shot. How wonderful it must be to be a lily, sitting pretty in the sun. Not a care in the world. Or so it seems...if one does not observe long enough, one would never know that when the sun gets too hot, it withers.
The same it is with us humans, we go about the business of the day, seemingly in control, apparently looking very good but who is to know what turmoil lurks within. But like the lily, we somehow bounce back the next day, ready to take on the world again...from where do we draw our strength?
Say no? Do less, live more? Well, depending on which season of our lives we are in, saying 'no' may not be an option.
Thanks for your insightful comments. I concur with you that sometimes, it is very difficult to say "NO". It may have adverse consequences. Someone said that the narrow path remains narrow 'cos too few walked on it.
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