Lately, I have taken time to observe and appreciate the things around me, especially those that I had often taken for granted. For example, the familiar icon on the right was painstakingly developed at an enormous cost and effort by some ppl. Most of the ppl behind it would have remained unknown for the man in the street. When the design concept was first presented, the public opinions ranged from being a national pride to a sheer wastage in economic terms. Today, it occupies a special place at the bay and has become a national icon. Some still prefer to call it "durian" others would still "poke" fun at it! Have you taken time to reflect and appreciate the things as well as people around you?
It is a good reminder. It is so easier to just overlook on these little things because we are so preoccupied with everything else. Similarly, the very people we love are also very likely the ones we spend least time with.
It looks beautiful on a sunny day but when it rains, you would see pails of different colors placed along the walkway inside the hall to catch the water that drips from the roof. That is another side of the 'durian'.
That's interesting. I am reminded that all that glitters is not gold.
That is a good shot.
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