In a couple of weeks, we shall enter the New Year. At this time, I usually take stock of the events and encounters of the year that is passing and draw lessons for my next lap. I can think of ppl who have touched my life and contributed to the shaping of my values and character. I thank God for them. I can also look into my own life and see how I have been a blessing or burden to others. I learn how to be a better person. I believe that every one of us can play our part in making this world a better home for all. I am committed to the cultivation of a life-long learning and growing philosophy. What are your aspirations for the New Year?
A better tomorrow. It is always good to look back at the end of the year to see how we could have improved our environment , showing love to people around us, and be thankful to those who had helped us. In everyways, seek a better tomorrow.
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